Mission Statement
We are a community of young adults who come together to grow closer to Christ and one another through worship, witness, service, and fellowship.
Young Adult League (YAL) works to cultivate and educate our young adults, leading them to the fullness of the Faith and likeness of God. By utilizing the four circles of Christian living - worship, fellowship, service, and witness - young adults are integrated into the life of the Church. While most YAL activities happen at local chapters, there are metropolitan-level and national events in which young adults can participate.
About Our Chapter
Our chapter serves young adults ages 18-35 in the Seattle area. It is not exclusive to St. Demetrios and welcomes all Orthodox Christians and inquirers to the faith.
2024 YAL Leadership Committee: Kiki Gormanos (president), Alexa Phillips (marketing/outreach), Mariana Frangos (fellowship), Owen Gadd (spiritual), Achilles Dabrowski (fellowship), Christina Bayouk (service).
Contack Fr. Spyridon Rice (frspyridon@saintdemetrios.com) or email us at yalseattle@gmail.com to learn more about our YAL chapter.
Orthodox Christian Fellowship (OCF)
We have an established OCF chapter for college students at the University of Washington. Orthodox Christian Fellowship (OCF) is the official collegiate campus ministry program under the Assembly of Canonical Orthodox Bishops of the United States of America. OCF provides a space for college students to discuss the Orthodox Christian faith and build friendships with others who share the same values. We host various events that relate to or four pillars: fellowship, education, worship, and service.
To learn more about our OCF chapter, contact Noreen Bayouk or Fr. Spyridon Rice or email us at yalseattle@gmail.com.
Where to Find Us
Instagram: @yalseattle
Email: yalseattle@gmail.com
Instagram: @ocf_uw
Online Chapel

4th Friday of Lent
Saints and Feasts Commemorated
Hilarion the New; Herodion the Apostle of the 70; Stephen the Wonderworker
Visit the Online Chapel for more daily readings, hymns, a monthly calendar of saints and feasts, and more.